Work Plan 2023-2026
Terms of Reference
Mission statementGlobalisation, in tandem with limited natural resources, has placed spatial planning and land management activities at the core of overcoming the global challenges of the day. The mission of commission 8 is to explore new approaches to spatial planning and governance, in order to balance the interests of stakeholder in pursuit of sustainable development in the short-, medium-, and long-term. GeneralFood insecurity, changing social and economic demands, rural-urban divides, changing patterns of urbanisation, digitisation and disruptive technologies and the need for responsible approaches, among others, have posed new global challenges, as well as exerting pressure on land use as well as spatial governance. Spatial planning, development, and governance are intricately related to land tenure, and land value. Hence, activities, policies and innovations undertaken in the context of spatial planning and governance, will influence, or will be influence by land tenure and land value, the land rights holders, as well as the users. From this angle, Commission 8 will seek to connect scientists, professionals and practitioners from the various surveying disciplines and beyond, towards the responsible development and transfer of spatial planning tools, towards sustainable development. These global challenges facing the society at different levels – local, regional, national, and supra-national, though may be characterised similarly, however, manifest differently, with differing effects at each level. Hence the solutions proffered for these problems also have to be shaped based on the local situation. This means inter-regional knowledge transfer needs to consider the political, social, economic, environmental context in both areas. Recent approaches to reaching the 2030 agenda have seen the transfer of, among others, spatial planning tools and instruments. The commission aims to provide the forum for scientists, policy developers, and practitioners in the spatial planning arena to reflect, review, orient, learn, and look ahead towards to achievement of the 2030 Agenda. These will be hooked onto the established guidelines and principles relating to sustainable development as well as spatial and land governance such as the sustainable development Goals (SDGs), the Voluntary Guidelines on the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT), Fit for Purpose Land Administration (FFP), and the participatory and Inclusive Land Readjustment (PILaR), as well as other FIG, World Bank and FAO publications. The push of technological and digital innovations has created the need for new policy recommendations towards spatial development, as well as their implementation to meet the increasing global challenges identified. Central to these innovations is the participatory approaches that create the meeting point of local knowledge and professional and technical competencies through dialogues that give a voice to the key stakeholders, including the local people, professionals, scientists, and government. This will create the avenue for the responsible implementation of spatial planning instruments and policies such as land consolidation, land readjustment, compulsory land acquisition, land banking, pre-emptive rights, among others that have an effect on land rights towards spatial development. Participation is an important component of the spatial planning and development to achieve the buy in of all the major stakeholders. To reach the goals of the 2023-2026 term, the following will form the focus of the Commission:
Working GroupsWorking Group 8.1 Urban-rural land linkagesIntroductionUrban and rural development, in terms of land issues, affects people in many ways. In busy cities and markets, people depend on the backward-forward exchange of agricultural goods to and from rural areas. Transport networks (including rivers) are crucial for rural residents who want to travel to the city and for urban residents who want to travel to rural areas. Agricultural activities, usually found in rural areas, provide leisure and food security for urban residents. These urban-rural (and their intersecting peri-urban) functions are intrinsically linked. They are hindered by different, as well as common, land challenges (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Examples of land problems in urban (including peri-urban) and rural areas Efforts to improve their management must ensure that the land they occur on is secure and that the rights of those who use the land are protected. Tackling these land-related problems (and leveraging their interdependencies) requires better coordination of urban-rural land linkages to achieve balanced urban-rural spatial development. The concept of urban-rural land linkages (URLLs) and its framework for action emerged in response to land problems that affect urban and rural areas. It follows the work of other international institutions, particularly the UN-Habitat, on bringing together strategies that equally support urban and rural development. Policy Issues
Chair:Uchendu Eugene Chigbu Co-ChairsMichael Klaus – Hanns Seidel Foundation, Germany. Specific project(s):Create URLLs awareness for balanced spatial development and identify options for attaining equivalent living conditions in urban and rural areas. Workshop(s):Special session at GLTN (UN-Habitat) events and FIG working week to discuss experiences on urban-rural linkages. Publication(s):“Urban-Rural Land Linkages: A Concept and Framework for Action” (UN-Habitat, GLTN, NUST and FIG collaborations). Available: Timetable:2024 Deliver a paper on urban-rural land linkages applications (in collaboration with GLTN, NUST and Hanns-Seidel-Foundation). Beneficiaries:United Nations (GLTN), World Bank, FIG Professional Associations (and member organizations), Land Administrators, Planners, Civil Society Organizations, NGOs, governments, and Researchers. Working Group 8.2 Unregistered Land and large-scale acquisition/compensation (Joint Working Group with Commission 9)IntroductionUnregistered land rights are estimated to account for more than 70% of land rights in developing countries. Billions of investment dollars for large scale infrastructure projects are being held up due to a variety of problems. While international financial institutions such as the World Bank require compensation payments for recognizable rightsholders, many projects face difficulties to pay compensation to stakeholders (deemed legitimate or otherwise) because of complex and unclear regulatory environments that often surround unregistered lands and technical difficulties to properly valuate such lands. The problem is further compounded if the land is customarily used due to unclear boundaries, overlapping claims and political economy issues. Many projects need to find a way creatively by navigating through national legal systems to find some space, while also applying pressure on account of noncompliance. The UN GLTN Valuation of Unregistered Land–A Practice Manual – Global Land Tool Network ( is the first global and cross profession operational manual to try to help valuers, land professionals, clients, policy makers and acquiring authorities get to grips with this complex subject. Due to the different nature of each phase in the cycle, GIS tools to support spatial planning practice will require different data specifications, functionality and usability features. This working group aims to gain a better understanding of developing useful GIS tools given a particular planning exercise, based on the different phases in the spatial planning cycle. Having appropriate and user friendly GIS tools available will create a positive spin-off in terms of enhancing information transparency and increase inclusiveness among participating stakeholders. Policy issues
ChairJames Kavanagh, Director Land and Resources, RICS, UK Co-Chairs:Mike McDermott, International Land Policy, Legal, Institutional and
Valuation consultant, Australia Peter Wyatt, Department of Real Estate and Planning, Henley Business School,
University of Reading, UK Ben Elder, Director Valuation, RICS, IVSC, UK Key Players :Peter Ache and Commission 9. Specific project(s)
Working Group 8.3 – Spatial Planning Instruments and Climate Change (Joint Working Group with the FIG Young Surveyors Network)IntroductionThe role of spatial planning in climate action has been widely recognized. The challenges resulting from climate change affect as well the mechanisms of spatial planning, as its tools. Spatial planning addresses land-related issues either in a normative (land use regulation) or strategic way (creation of a framework that provides policy guidelines for territorial development). Mitigation and adaptation to climate change require a reconsideration of the role and scope of both (land use planning and strategic spatial planning). The responsible implementation of spatial planning instruments such as land consolidation, land readjustment, compulsory land acquisition and land banking, among others, can support ‘mainstreaming’ of climate change actions. WG 8.3 will seek to connect scientists, professionals, and practitioners towards the transfer of experiences in implementing adaptive spatial planning tools, that focus on minimizing potential damage, coping with the consequences of impacts, and taking advantage of new opportunities. Policy issues
ChairAdrianna Czarnecka, Department of Spatial Planning and Environmental
Sciences, Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw University of
Technology, Poland Wioleta Krupowicz, Department of Spatial Planning and Environmental
Sciences, Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw University of
Technology, Poland Charles Etornam Atakora, Geodetic Engineer- Vermessungsbüro Sommerhoff
(Dortmund, Germany) Specific project(s)Workshop(s)
Working Group 8.4 Digital Transformation for Land Management and Spatial Governance (Joint Working Group with Commission 7)IntroductionDigitisation, digitalisation and digital transformation are gaining prominence in policy efforts in many land-related areas around the world, as outlined in the recent FIG Publication No. 80. In addition to the benefits of efficiency and cost reduction of intra-sectoral processes, it also creates opportunities for cross-sectoral synergies that have hardly been exploited so far. This working group wants to expose best practices from cross-sectoral digital transformation efforts bridging land administration, land management, land use planning and spatial governance. It wants to highlight merits and synergies such as optimal data integration or interoperability but also explores challenges such as cybersecurity, capacity issues or alike. As digital developments have different impacts depending on the region, activities in this working group will pay attention to the diversity of regions highlighting particularities and ensuring that the same approach or evaluation scheme should not be applied everywhere. Policy Issues
ChairsClaudia Stöcker, University of Münster, Germany
(Commission 7) Walter Timo de Vries, Technical University of Munich, Germany (Commission
8) Key Players and Collaborators: Rohan Bennett and Commission 7 Specific project(s)
Working Group 8.5 Spatial Plan and Valuation Information in LADM ContextIntroductionIn 2018, it was decided to review LADM and to extent the scope of LADM (Lemmen et al., 2021). Even if the Edition I of the standard had a broad vision, the emphasis was mainly on land registration processes and parcels of real property. The marine georegulation, valuation information and spatial plan information were purposely left aside of the scope of the standard. LADM Edition II is being designed as a multipart standard, and each part as a standalone standard. Valuation and spatial plan information are included in (Part 4 and 5, respectively). LADM Part 4 – Valuation Information is designed using the existing standard to represent all stages of administrative property valuation, namely representation of parties involved in valuations, identification of properties, assessment of properties through single or mass appraisal procedures, recording transaction prices, generation and representation of sales statistics, and dealing with appeals. It is expected that the proposed model in this standard may provide public bodies a common basis for the development of local and/or national information models and databases, enabling the integration of valuation databases with land administration databases, and can act as a guide for the private sector. LADM Part 5 – Spatial Plan Information aims to provide the general reference model, as an extension of core LADM (both ISO 19152-1 and 19152-2), for all objects of spatial planning those covering land/water and below/on/above surfaces. It provides a conceptual model that represents and documents the complete view of RRRs from land administration and the spatial planning processes. WG 8.5 will seek to connect scientists, professionals, and practitioners for:
Policy Issues
Chair:Abdullah Kara, TU Delft, The Netherlands Co-Chairs:Prof Peter van Oosterom, TU Delft, The Netherlands Prof Christiaan Lemmen, ITC, Twente University, The Netherlands Specific project(s)
For all workshops and publications the proceedings and papers are uploaded and maintained into 2 repositories, where also the archives of the literature on 3D and LADM is maintained (maybe those repositories will be merged into one -tbd): & Publication(s)The planned publications for the next four years, resulting from the activities of WG 8.5, are the following:
Co-operation with Other Commissions and organisationsThe Commission intends cooperating with Commissions 7 and 9 as well as the Young Surveyors Network. Each commission in the partnership will contribute to the topic from the perspectives, knowledge, and expertise. Commission 8 will contribute to these topics from the spatial planning perspective. The joint working groups will also be jointly chaired by the respective commissions. In line with Commission 8’s active support to active involvement of the FIG Young Surveyors into commission work, a joint working group (WG 8.3) has been formed with the network. Co-operation with United Nation Organisations, Sister Associations and other Partners
Commission OfficersCommission Chair