Agenda36th General Assembly
Monday, 6 May 2013 Nicon Luxury Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria |
Monday |
09:00-12:00 |
General Assembly, First Session |
Tuesday, 7 May – Thursday, 9 May 2013 FIG Working Week 2013 International Conference Center and Nicon Luxury Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria |
Wednesday 8 May 2012 |
09:00-10:30 Tbc International Conference Center/Nicon Luxury Hotel |
Member Association Presidents/HoD Forum This session is reserved for Presidents or Heads of delegation (or their representatives) of member associations to discuss issue of their common interest. |
Friday, 10 May 2013 Nicon Luxury Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria |
Friday 10 May 2013 |
08:30-10:30 Tbc Nicon Luxury Hotel |
FIG President's Meeting For Presidents or Heads of delegation of Member Associations (or their representatives) By invitation only |
Friday |
11:00–12:30 |
General Assembly, Second Session |
Friday 10 May 2013 |
15:00-16:00 Conference Hall, Nicon Luxury Hotel |
Closing Ceremony General Assembly and will be followed by the Farewell Reception hosted by the Association of Authorised Land Surveyors Malaysia, (PEJUTA), host of FIG 25th Congress 2014. |
for the meetings to be held on Monday 6th and Friday 10th
of May in Conference Hall,
Nicon Luxury Hotel Abuja, Nigeria
In addition to .htm-format this agenda and its appendices are published as .pdf files.
To download only the agenda in Acrobat format please click here:
Agenda as circulated to the members 08 March
2013 as Adobe Acrobat version (13 pages)
Revised agenda as Adobe Acrobat version -
version including all updates (13 pages) - 08 May 2013
Note: Revisions are shown only on the .htm version
of the agenda and marked with colour.
To download the agenda with appendices as one file in Acrobat format please click here:
Full Agenda as an Adobe Acrobat version (189
pages - 9 MB) as at the time when sent to members 08 March 2013. - To be added
Note: Revisions are shown only on the .htm version of the agenda and marked with colour.
The individual appendix files can be downloaded below under each item in Acrobat format.
PLEASE NOTE: Based on the decision from 2007 FIG Office has sent members only the agenda without appendices as a hard copy. Full agenda with all appendices can be downloaded from this web site. If you need a hard copy you can also request the FIG Office to send you a copy by normal mail, email:
Changes to the agenda after it was originally distributed as hard copy to the member associations are marked in this agenda with colour and date.
Item 2 and 20: Members that are not allowed to vote 10 April 2013 10 April 2013
Item 6.3 - Membership of AC-40056 Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico restored 13 March 2013
Item 8.8 - Report from FIG Commission 8 22 April 2013
Item 25: Report for Congress 2014 12 April 2013
President CheeHai Teo to open the 36th General Assembly.
Vice President Rudolf Staiger to take the roll call.
Please note: The roll call will be done for member associations and
affiliate members only. Delegates representing academic members, corporate
members and correspondents as well as honorary presidents and honorary members
will be entered in the records but they shall register before the meeting starts
at the meeting venue to the FIG officers. Member associations are asked to
inform the FIG Office, Claudia Stormoen: by 21 April 2013 about their attendance and at the same
time to submit the names of their delegates and to inform who their Head of the
delegation is, if it is not the President or Chair. Since only member
associations that have paid all their membership fees to the end of 2012 are
allowed to vote at the meeting, a list of member associations that are not
allowed to vote will be published on the FIG web site 10 April 2013. All
other members are also encouraged to inform FIG Office about their attendance.
Appendix to items 2 & 20:
Roll Call
Appendix to items 2 & 20:
List of member associations
that are not allowed to vote at the General Assembly because of unpaid
membership fees for 2011 and earlier -
posted 10 April 2013.
Motion: That members present are recorded in the minutes.
The General Assembly shall appoint two persons as tellers following the principle that the tellers will represent member associations hosting the preceding and the current General Assembly.
Motion: That the General Assembly appoints two tellers, representing respectively the preceding and the current hosts, for the two sessions of the General Assembly.
Motion: That the agenda be adopted.
Minutes have been circulated previously.
Appendix to item 5: Minutes of the General Assembly in Rome, Italy, May 2012
Minutes of the General Assembly in
Rome, Italy, May 2012 without appendices
Motion: That the minutes be adopted as recorded.
FIG has received no new applications for membership from national associations during 2012/13.
6.1.1 Association des Professionels de l'Ingenierie Topographique du Gabon, APIT Gabon
After the General Assembly Agenda was sent out FIG received an application from Association des Professionels de l'Ingenierie Topographique du Gabon, APIT Gabon (MA-10122). Approved by Council on 5 May 2013. (added 5 May 2013)
Appendix to item 6.1.1:
Membership application from
the Association des Professionels de l'Ingenierie Topographique du Gabon (APIT)
6.1.2 Bahamas Association of Land Surveyors
After the General Assembly Agenda was
sent out FIG received an application from Bahamas Association of Land Surveyors.
Approved by Council on 5 May 2013. (added 5 May 2013)
Motion: That the General Assembly records that there are no new
membership applications from national associations.
That General Assembly approves the
membership application from Association des Professionels de l'Ingenierie
Topographique du Gabon, APIT Gabon, and the Bahamas Assiciation of Land
Surveyors. (added 5 May 2013)
6.2.1 The Society of Chartered Surveyors, Ireland
The Society of Chartered Surveyors has merged with RICS, United Kingdom, and has therefore terminated its membership with FIG since they are now represented through RICS. FIG Council has agreed to move the membership to RICS.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the decision of the Council
to move the SCS membership in FIG to RICS.
6.2.2 The Appraisal Institute, United States
The Appraisal Institute has decided to terminate their membership with FIG.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the decision of the Appraisal Institute to terminate their membership of FIG.
Subscriptions of following member associations are more than three years in arrears:
The General Assembly has powers to expel from the Federation any member association whose fees are in arrears and shall under normal circumstances expel any member association whose fees are three years in arrears. (Article 4.3 of the Statutes). The FIG office has sent letters to these associations informing that if their membership fees are still in arrears at the time of the General Assembly in Abuja, then the General Assembly shall expel these member associations.
As at 5.3.2013 the number of FIG member associations is 103 from 87
countries. After expulsions the number of FIG member associations will be 99
from 84 countries.
Status 6 May 2013: 103 members from 87
Motion: That the General Assembly expels the
from the FIG membership if their membership fees still are in arrears 6 May 2013.
Furthermore that the General Assembly acknowledges the Council decision to grant Ethiopian Surveying Professionals Associations poor membership support (added 5 May 2013)
Corporate members
The Council has admitted the following companies to become a Corporate Member of FIG after the General Assembly in 2012:
Following corporate members have terminated their membership since May 2012:
The Council has expelled the following corporate members because of unpaid membership subscriptions:
After these changes the number of corporate members is now 22. After 5 May 21 corporate members
Affiliate members
The Council has admitted the following national agency to become an affiliate member:
The Council has expelled following affiliate member because of unpaid membership subscriptions:
The number of Affiliate Members after these changes remains at 41.
Academic members
The Council has admitted the following universities and institutions to become an academic member:
The Council has expelled following universities because of unpaid membership subscriptions:
The number of Academic Members after these changes is 91 - after 5 May 92 (added 5 May 2013)
At its meeting 4/2011 Council has decided to terminate the appointment of
correspondents from Bhutan, Eritrea, Gabon, India, Lesotho, Peru, Saint Lucia
WI, Tanzania and Tuvalu at the end of 2012.
After these decisions the number of correspondents is 4.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the actions that the Council has taken with other membership matters.
6.5 Appointment of Honorary Member
After the General Assembly
Agenda was send out FIG received an application from the National Land Survey of
Finland and the Finnish Association of Geodetic and Land Surveyors to appoint
FIG Director Markku Villikka Honorary Member of FIG. Council decided 5 May to
bring this application forward to the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 6.5:
The nomination letter
from the National Land Survey of Finland and the Finnish Association of Geodetic
and Land Surveyors.
That the General Assembly approves the application to appoint FIG Director
Markku Villika Honorary Member.
(added 5 May 2013)
President CheeHai Teo has prepared the President’s report on the activities of the President and the Council since the General Assembly in Marrakech in May 2011.
Appendix to item 7: President’s report
Motion: That the General Assembly accepts the President’s report.
Each Commission Chair, 2011-2014, has submitted a written report on the
Commission activities covering period from Working Week in Rome to Working Week
in Abuja. These reports include reports of the Commission chair and Commission
working groups. The reports include also the two FIG networks: Standards Network
and Young Surveyors Network.
Each chair will give a brief report on their respective Commission key
activities at the meeting
Appendices to item 8: Commission reports:
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts reports of the Commission and Network Chairs and records its thanks to the chairs and other officers of the Commissions and Networks for their on going contributions.
8.13 Appointment of Commission 10
Chair Elect
The application of Commission 10 Chair Elect was last year in Rome postponed to
2013 General Assembly. After the General assembly agenda was published, FIG has
received an application from RICS for See Lian Ong, for the position as
Commission 10 Chair Elect. FIG Office has not received any other nominations.
FIG Council decided on its meeting on 5 May 2013 to bring this application
forward to General Assembly for approval.
Appendix to item 8.13: Application form from RICS to appoint See Lian Ong as Chair Elect for Commission 10
Motion: That the General
Assembly will approve the application of See Lian Ong, RICS for the position as
Commission 10 Chair Elect.
(added 5 May 2013)
8.14 Young Surveyors Network
Having had discussion with Eva-Maria Unger (OVG, Austria), President
Gert Steinkellner (OVG,-Austria) and Chair of YSN, Kate Fairlie
(SSSI, Australia), Council has decided to nominate Eva-Maria Unger, the current
Secretary of YSN as the chair-elect of the Young Surveyors Network (2015 –
Motion: That the General Assembly approves the nomination.
FIG has currently three Task Forces: 1) FIG Africa Task Force (2009 – 2014), chaired by Dr. Diane Dumashie (RICS, United Kingdom); 2) Task Force on Surveyors and the Climate Change (2011-2014) chaired by Prof. John Hannah (NZIS, New Zealand); and 3) Task Force on Property and Housing (2011-2014) chaired by Prof. Chryssy Potsiou (HARSE/TCG, Greece).
Appendices to item 9: Task Force reports:
Motion: That the General Assembly records all Task Force reports and records its thanks to the Chairs of the Task Forces and their members for their work and contributions.
Mr. Christiaan Lemmen, Director of OICRF has prepared a report on the OICRF activities since the General Assembly in Rome. He will make a brief report orally at the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 10.1: Report from the International Office of Cadastre and Land Records (Office International du Cadastre et du Régime Foncier) OICRF.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and records its thanks to the members of OICRF for their past year’s work and contribution.
Mr. Jan de Graeve, Director of the IIHSM has prepared a report on the IIHSM activities since the General Assembly in Rome. IIHSM will make a short oral presentation at the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 10.2: Report from the International Institution for the History of Surveying and Measurement, Permanent Institution of FIG.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and records its thanks to the Director and the members of the permanent institution for their past year’s work and contribution.
Mr. John Hohol, President of the FIG Foundation has prepared a report on the FIG Foundation activities from May 2012 to February 2013. He will make a brief report orally at the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 12: Report of the FIG Foundation activities 2012-2013
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report of the President of the FIG Foundation and records its thanks to the President and members of the Board of Directors of the FIG Foundation for their past year’s work.
The main partners in the co-operation with the United Nations and the World Bank since the FIG Working Week in Rome have been:
The activities with these bodies are described in the President’s report, appendix to item 7.
Motion: That the General Assembly
The Joint Board of Spatial Information Societies JB-GIS was formally established during the FIG Working Week in Cairo in 2005 and meets annually during a major conference. The meeting of JB-GIS in 2012 was held in Melbourne, Australia, where Prof. William Cartwright was retained as Chairperson for further one year.
Co-operation with international and regional organisations is described in President’s report, appendix to item 7.
FIG has further bilateral agreements of co-operation with several other international associations like ISM, IFHP, CIB, ION, ICEC, FIABCI, IFHS and PAQS. Some of the partners are also working together within the Habitat Professionals Forum.
FIG is a member of the International Council for Science (ICSU) and working together with ISO and International Valuation Standards Committee (IVSC) on standards.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report on the liaison with other international associations.
Vice President Bruno Razza and former Vice President Iain Greenway have jointly prepared a report on the FIG Financial Issues. This report includes summary of 2012 accounts, an updated budget for 2013 and proposals for budgets 2014-2016 with notes and proposal for membership fees for member associations in 2015.
The Auditors Report includes the auditors report from 2012, official accounts (income statement 2012) and balance sheet 31 December 2012.
Appendix to item 14:
Motion: That the General Assembly
The General Assembly has to set levels of fees for member associations two years in advance of the year in which they become payable. Fees are payable in respect of each individual member up to a maximum of 5,500 members. Membership fee structure was changed in 2009. Membership fees have been discussed as part of the finance report, appendix to item 14.
The 2012 General Assembly approved membership fees for 2014 as follows:
Per capita fee | Minimum fee | Maximum fee | |
2014 | 4.48 €
per member up to a maximum of 5,500 members Member associations from countries listed by the World Bank as low-income economies or lower-middle-income economies shall pay 2.24 € member up to a maximum of 5,500 members. |
20 members or 50 € (whichever is greater) | 5,500 members (24,640 €) |
See the World Bank lists of the low-income economies and the lower-middle-income economies.
The Council proposes to the General Assembly to keep the membership fees for
member associations for 2015 at the same level as endorsed by the General
Assembly in 2012 for 2014. In the draft budgets for 2013-2016 the membership
fees are planned to be kept at the 2013 level for all membership categories for
In addition, Council has looked again at the maximum fee, which is currently set
at 5,500 members. Council considered holding this to a fixed monetary amount, or
adjusting the number of members, and have concluded that it would be appropriate
to fix it at 5,500 members or €25,000, whichever is the lower – this would be
the maximum that any Member Association would pay to be a member of FIG. The
current maximum is 5,500 members x €4.48 = €24,640; the cap of €25,000 would
apply once the subscription rate has increased by 1.5% or more.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts following membership fees payable by member associations in 2015:
Per capita fee | Minimum fee | Maximum fee | |
2015 | 4.48 €
per member up to a maximum of 5,500 members Member associations from countries listed by the World Bank as low-income economies or lower-middle-income economies shall pay 2.24 € member up to a maximum of 5,500 members. |
20 members or 50 € (whichever is greater) | 5,500 members (24,640 €) |
The FIG Working Weeks are organised by FIG together with the local member association. FIG and the local member association will together have full responsibility of the arrangements. The Council has to ensure that all candidates are aware about the role of FIG and split of responsibilities for organising the Working Week. FIG Council has lately worked on defining the split of responsibilities between the local association and FIG, and has therefore decided to postpone the bid for 2017 by one year to allow time to evaluate the current concept. The bid material for 2017 Working Week will be published Summer 2013 and deadline for bids for 2017 will be 30 November 2013. The decision on venue for 2017 will be made at the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 2014.
Motion: TThat the General Assembly records postponement of the decision of venue for FIG Working Week 2017 until the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 2014.
President Andrew Stirling from the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors and representatives of the Organising Committee of FIG Working Week 2016 will give a presentation on preparations of FIG Working Week 2016.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report for information.
President Angel Yanakiev from the Chamber of Graduated Surveyors and representatives of the Organising Committee of FIG Working Week 2015 will give a presentation on preparations of FIG Working Week 2015.
Appendix to agenda item 18: Report for FIG Working Week 2015 in Sofia Bulgaria
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report for information.
Separate invitation to Presidents of the Member Associations.
Appendix to item 19: Invitation to Presidents of FIG member associations
Vice President Staiger to take the roll call.
Please note: The roll call will be done for member associations and
affiliate members only. Delegates representing academic members, corporate
members and correspondents as well as honorary presidents and honorary members
will be entered in the records but they shall register before the meeting starts
at the meeting venue to the FIG officers. Member associations are asked to
inform the FIG Office, Claudia Stormoen: by 21 April 2013 about their attendance and at the same
time to submit the names of their delegates and to inform who their Head of the
delegation is, if it is not the President or Chair. Since only member
associations that have paid all their membership fees to the end of 2012 are
allowed to vote at the meeting, a list of member associations that are not
allowed to vote will be published on the FIG web site 10 April 2013. All
other members are also encouraged to inform FIG Office, Claudia Stormoen about
their attendance.
Appendix to items 2 & 20:
Roll Call
Appendix to items 2 & 20:
List of member associations
that are not allowed to vote at the General Assembly because of unpaid
membership fees for 2012 and earlier –
10 April
Motion: That present members are recorded in the minutes.
The Council will decide on other membership issues considered in Abuja and bring them for the General Assembly for decision or information as necessary.
Motion: That the General Assembly decides on the membership issues based on the proposal of the Council.
Member associations, Affiliate (Director Generals) and Academic members will have their fora during the Working Week and may choose to report back to the General Assembly on any issues are of general interest.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the reports.
A meeting for FIG Corporate Members is organised in Abuja (Thursday 9 May 09:00 - 10:30 Corporate Members' Meeting). A report on co-operation between FIG and its Corporate Members will be given at the meeting.
Motionn: That the General Assembly records the report.
Commission Officers (ACCO), Commissions and Task forces will have their annual and other administrative meetings in Abuja. They will report back to the General Assembly on any issues that need endorsement of the General Assembly or are of general interest.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the reports and decides on any recommendations arising from the reports.
President Mohammad Azmi Mohd Zin from the Association of Authorised Land Surveyors Malaysia and representatives of the Organising Committee of FIG 2014 will give a presentation on preparations of FIG Congress 2014.
Appendix to agenda item 25: Report for FIG Congress 2014 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report for information.
Incl presentation of certificates of appreciation
Data supplied by the FIG Office.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that this data is accurate errors might exist. Requests for updates and corrections should be emailed to the FIG Office.