FIG Task Force on Mutual Recognition of Qualifications
The International Federation of Surveyors decided at its Congress in Brighton in 1998 to establish a Task Force to investigate the area of Mutual Recognition as a device for liberalisation of market services. We need to respond to the challenge of globalisation and devise the means to ensure global free movement, so that the process reflects the requirements of the surveyor.
Recognising the international market pressures and the regulations towards liberalisation of trade driven by WTO, FIG should review the area of mutual recognition of qualifications within the world-wide surveying community and develop a framework for the introduction of standards of global professional competence in this area.
The Task Force should develop a framework for reviewing the benefits of and barriers against introducing standards of global professional competence. This should be seen as only the first step in this direction, to reflect FIG's aim to drive these developments instead of being driven by them.
This task force aims to review the concept of mutual recognition of
qualifications within the world wide surveying community and to develop a
framework for the introduction of standards of global professional
competence in this area. Globalisation of services is a topical issue and it
is on the very top of the international agenda. The report is a timely and
welcome addition to the FIG series and demonstrates how FIG seeks to prepare
the profession for working within a global market place.
Robert W. Foster
President of FIG
Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications
This publication in .pdf-format
Prof. Stig Enemark, Chair
Department of
Development and Planning,
Aalborg University
Fibigerstraede 11
Tel +45 99 40 83 44
Fax +45 98 15 65 41
Dr Frances Plimmer, Secretary
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United Kingdom