Article of the Month -
December 2003
Standards – Are They Relevant in a Surveyor’s World?
Iain Greenway, Chair, FIG Standards Network
1) This article was for the first time presented at
the FIG Working Week and 125th Anniversary in Paris, France 13-17 April,
2003. It has been updated in November 2003 for the FIG series Article of the
This article in PDF-format.
What are standards? How might they affect surveyors? What should
surveyors do about them? Are they a surveyor’s friend or his foe? What is
the role of the surveyor’s professional body in guiding him in matters of
This paper sets out to address these questions. Its first half draws the
conclusion that standards, properly utilised, are a surveyor’s friend, and
that there is a key role for professional bodies. The second half of the
paper reflects on the work of FIG (the International Federation of
Surveyors) in this area to date, and its plans for the future.
2.1 What are standards?
A sensible place to start in answering such a question might be a
dictionary. The Collins English Dictionary offers, amongst its 19
definitions of the word, the following: ‘of the usual, regularised, medium
or accepted size’; ‘denoted, or characterised by idiom, vocabulary etc, that
is regarded as correct and acceptable by educated native speakers’; ‘an
accepted or approved example of something against which others are judged or
measured’; and ‘a level of excellence or quality’. A common theme runs
through all of these definitions of the word. The International Organization
for Standardization (ISO) offers the following: ‘standards are documented
agreements containing technical specifications or other precise criteria to
be used consistently as rules, guidelines, or definitions of
characteristics, to ensure that materials, products, processes and services
are fit for their purpose.’ As can be seen, this takes the dictionary
definition of the word ‘standard’ and creates a process, purpose and
measurement for it.
From these two sources, we can distinguish perhaps between ‘standards’
and ‘Standards’. The former are ‘norms’ against which we compare items for
‘acceptability’; the latter are formal, often legal, documents which define
more closely what is deemed acceptable for a particular purpose and what is
not. Both are of consequence to surveyors in their dual role as
professionals and business people. We come across many examples of both
every day, for instance:
- Plugs and sockets that fit into each other (as long as one remembers
one’s international adaptor!);
- Accepted rules and conventions for road use;
- A single, consistent set of book numbers via the ISBN system; and
- Academic standards on which we can rely.
2.2 Why should we care?
The preceding section has perhaps started to answer this question – the
frequency with which we encounter standards means that we cannot ignore
them. The ISO web site ( lists
with some pride, for instance, the following achievements of the
organisation since its foundation in the 1940s:
- The ISO film speed code;
- Standardisation in the format of telephone and banking cards;
- The number of businesses implementing ISO9000 (quality management) and
ISO14000 (environmental management);
- The internationally standardised freight container;
- The universal system of measurement known as SI;
- Paper sizes;
- The same symbols for automobile controls being used throughout the
- The safety of wire ropes;
- ISO codes for country names, currencies and languages; and
- ISO standard metric screw threads.
This list again points to the ubiquity of standards, but also begins to
indicate the economic benefits that they provide – that confidence that
things will work and will fit together. This becomes of increasing
importance because of a number of key changes in the world around us,
- Globalisation of trade – more and more businesses and consumers
require confidence that trade can flow between countries and continents;
- Competition laws – the need to prove that equivalent opportunity and
standards are applied to equivalent transactions;
- Growing consumer requirements, whereby products and services need to
be guaranteed to meet certain criteria;
- Technological developments to the stage that most equipment users
(whether in business or social arenas) will not be in a position to
understand the detailed working of the equipment and therefore to make
unaided appropriate adjustments to the results; and
- The increasing intertwining of industries and professions meaning that
professionals are expected to have a level of understanding beyond the
discipline in which they trained.
All of these trends point to the need for a common language of
expectations. Standards are designed to provide this language (and the
necessary translation service).
Putting some validated numbers and comparisons to these general
statements, a piece of work by the Technical University of Dresden and the
Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation (DIN, 1999) found that:
- The benefit to the German economy from standardisation amounts to more
than US$ 15 billion per year;
- Standards contribute more to economic growth than patents and
- Companies that participate actively in standards work have a head
start on their competitors in adapting to market demands and new
- Transaction costs are lower when European and International Standards
are used; and
- Research risks and development costs are reduced for companies
contributing to the standardisation process.
These figures and statements should certainly interest surveyors as
business people. But what about surveyors as professionals? As the Institute
of Management’s Code of Conduct (quoted in Davies, 1997) puts it: ‘A
professional is someone who justifiably claims to provide an expert service
of value to society, and who accepts the duties… including… honouring the
special trust reposed by clients, employers, colleagues, and the general
public’. We have already made the proposition that the development of
technology means that even professionals can no longer be expected fully to
understand the detailed workings of the equipment that they use. Surely
standards are therefore an integral part in the process of professional
surveyors fulfilling this ‘special trust’? In addition, ‘[complaints] can be
substantially reduced by the provision of comprehensive, comparable and
transparent information…. Global standards can have a direct impact on the
market, on society and on prosperity. Widespread adoption of International
Standards in the field of services would mean that suppliers would base the
development of their activity on specifications that have worldwide
acceptance. This would be to the advantage of both consumers and
businesses.’ (Ringstedt, 2001). Surveyors in each of their twin roles should
therefore care about standards.
2.3 Who is involved in standards development?
ISO has already been mentioned several times in this paper. That’s not
surprising, as the organisation can perhaps be described as the ‘big daddy’
of standardisation bodies. At the end of 2001, ISO consisted of 143 national
standardisation bodies. It ran 2,885 technical (largely standards
development) bodies; employed 500 people; and had a turnover of CHF 150
million. It had in print 13,544 standards consisting of 430,608 pages. The
activity of the organisation is indicated by the fact that 813 standards
(49,795 pages) were published in 2001, with 4,405 work in progress items.
The number of standards in print has risen by over 1,000 (nearly 75,000
pages) since the end of 1999. This is a boom market! Current ISO standards
- ISO 2172 – Fruit juice – determination of soluble solids content –
Pycnometric method;
- ISO 2729 – Woodworking tools – chisels and gouges;
- ISO 6806 – Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for use in oil burners –
- ISO 8192 – Water quality – test for inhibition of oxygen consumption
by activated sludge;
- ISO 11540 – Caps for writing and marking instruments intended for use
by children up to 14 years of age – safety requirements; and
- ISO 12857 – Optics and optical instruments – geodetic instruments –
field procedures for determining accuracy.
ISO’s mission is ‘to promote the development of standardisation and
related activities in the world with a view to facilitating the
international exchange of goods and services, and to developing cooperation
in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological and economic
activity.’ Its outputs, international standards, are more formally
international agreements. Adoption of them is in theory voluntary, but often
required by tendering processes and by customers (who are seeking the
reassurance that conformance to a set of norms can provide). This comes
through in ISO’s goals, which are to facilitate trade, exchange and
technology transfer through:
- Enhanced product quality and reliability at reasonable price;
- Improved health, safety and environmental protection, and reduction of
- Greater compatibility and interoperability of goods and services;
- Simplification for improved usability;
- Reduction of the number of models, and thus reduction in costs; and
- Increased distribution efficiency and ease of maintenance.
ISO, headquartered in Geneva, works closely with another organisation
with its head office in the city – the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
Standards underpin free trade, and an agreement between the two
organisations on removing technical barriers to trade enshrines the role of
ISO standards in WTO activities.
A second standardisation body of relevance to surveyors is the
International Valuation Standards Committee (IVSC). This is a younger and
smaller body than ISO. It is, however, one which holds considerable sway,
with its standards (most recently IVS2001) being adopted in many countries
and linking closely to the international accounting standards that are
gaining focus through the recent corporate accounting scandals. According to
IVSC’s aims, its standards ‘will facilitate cross-border transactions
involving property and contribute to the vitality of global markets by
promoting transparency in financial reporting.’
These two bodies are joined by a myriad of others, including:
- National standardisation bodies (which are increasingly adopting
international standards directly rather than creating their own);
- Regional standardisation bodies (including groups which one might not
immediately think of in this regard, such as NATO);
- Governments (all laws can be seen as setting standards); and
- Companies (the larger of which can create de facto standards – such as
those surrounding the Microsoft operating system).
All of these official standardisation bodies use similar techniques to
create and revise standards. These all involve, at their heart, key
individuals (often referred to as ‘experts’) who draft and review the
documents. The drafts are then passed through a variety of formal and
informal processes to ensure that consensus is reached, amongst those
participating, that the standard appropriately reflects the requirements of
user communities. By definition, therefore, all those involved in the
creation of a standard can – if they so choose – make a substantial
contribution to the documents published. The consensual process is designed
to resolve any key objections from any group involved.
ISO’s core experts are nominated by its members – national
standardisation bodies. Recognising, however, wider interests, a variety of
international organisations (about 550 in all) are registered by ISO as
Liaison Bodies. These vary from Visa International to FIG. They can be
involved in the standardisation process to the full extent of the national
bodies, with the sole exception that they do not have a vote.
The experts nominated by national standardisation bodies are often
academics and public sector staff – those whose employers are able and
willing to support their activity. A certain mindset is also needed for the
slow and sometimes tedious process of developing consensus and agreeing a
standard. A number of private sector organisations are now starting to see
the benefits of involvement in the standardisation process – which is
positive news as long as it does not lead to corporate hegemony. This
sectoral bias of the experts nominated by national standardisation bodies
increases the importance of the Liaison bodies – which often represent the
users of standards – nominating appropriate experts to bring the
professional user viewpoint to the standards development process, and
supporting them in this key work. Acceptable standards which will be of use
require this balancing input.
2.4 What standards exist in the world of surveying?
The work of ISO started in the arena of manufacturing. Service industries
have been a focus for it far more recently. It is therefore unsurprising
that land and engineering surveying is more standardised than spatial
The ISO standards that existed for survey instruments such as theodolites
and total stations were a case study in where standardisation can lose touch
with reality. That reality is often a muddy building site in the rain,
whereas ISO standards required calibration standard facilities. In addition
to this, two different and uncorrelated standards covered similar ground. In
recent years, FIG and particularly its Commission 5 (Positioning and
Measurement) has worked with the relevant ISO technical committees to
harmonise requirements, and a number of new standards in the series ISO
17123 have been published. These incorporate two level of tests – periodic
calibration, and regular field testing (see Becker, 2002 for further
A recent area for ISO attention has been that of geographic information.
A European initiative in the early- to mid-1990s had resulted in some
provisional standards in this area, but ISO is now in the process of
publishing over 30 standards in the ISO 191xx series. They cover aspects
from terminology to coordinate reference systems, including crucial areas
such as interoperability. This is in line with an industry move to open
systems standards, and the GIS manufacturers are key players in the ISO
work. So are a number of professional surveying bodies, of whom FIG is
probably the most active. Other professional bodies involved include ISPRS,
ICA, IHO, IAG and SCAR (the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research).
See Ostensen, 2001 for further information on the work of ISO in this area.
This work on official standards is underpinning a governmental and
industry move towards interoperability of geographic data and systems
between data providers and across national borders. The INSPIRE initiative
to create a European Environmental Spatial Data Infrastructure, for example,
relies on the ISO standards.
The area of valuation standards, and its increasing importance as a key
element in stating assets and liabilities and therefore of measuring
corporate wellbeing, has already been mentioned.
Taking all of these elements together, therefore, surveyors are
increasingly impacted by standards, and a key role of surveyors’
professional bodies is to participate in and influence this work. Individual
surveyors rightly look to their representative bodies to provide their voice
in standards development, and to disseminate relevant information on how
developing standards will influence (and enhance) their work.
Recognising the increasing importance of standards in the work of
surveyors, and the key role of professional bodies (especially at
international level) in articulating requirements, FIG increased its focus
on standards in the late 1990s. A range of activity has been underway since
that date, and further work continues. The following sections of this paper
give further information on the activity.
3.1 Policy
FIG promulgated the following policy on standards in 2002. It is
reproduced and elaborated in FIG’s Guide on Standardisation (FIG, 2002a):
‘Overall, FIG’s aim in the field of standards is to assist in the process
of developing workable and timely official and legal standards covering the
activities of surveyors. FIG is also committed in its objectives to
developing the skills of surveyors and encouraging the proper use of
technology, activities which are becoming increasingly shaped by standards.
FIG will generally seek to ensure that de facto standards become
official standards as technology matures, or at the very least that all
relevant official, legal and de facto standards are produced in full
knowledge of all other related material.
FIG sees the following roles for professionals in the standardisation
- Assisting in the production of workable and timely standards by
proposing material which can be transformed into international standards
(rather than relying on work developed by others) and by participating in
the process of developing standards; and
- Disseminating information and creating explanatory material and
guidance notes to ensure that all members of FIG are aware of the most
recent standardisation activities, standards and regulations, and their
implications for surveyors.
In supporting this policy, FIG will dovetail the work of its Commissions
and other bodies with that of official standardisation bodies, to ensure
that the greatest possible benefit for practising surveyors and their
clients is achieved. This dovetailing will be reflected in Commission, Task
Force and Permanent Institution workplans – these will include the creation
of necessary information and explanatory material, and any relevant planned
output from any of FIG’s bodies will be discussed with the relevant
standardisation bodies before it is created. FIG will also seek to work
closely with other international bodies representing surveyors, to ensure
the most effective collective use of resources.’
These twin elements of workability and timeliness are key areas in which
FIG believes that it can add value to the standardisation process, bringing
the necessary experience and skills to the process.
3.2 Work to date
FIG set up a Task Force on Standards in late 1997 to focus and coordinate
its efforts on standardisation. In the period until 2002, key elements of
the Task Force’s work included:
- The dissemination and analysis of a questionnaire on standards issues,
to which over 50 responses were received. These results set the priorities
for the Task Force’s work, both in geographic terms (focusing on
international, rather than regional or national, standards), and in scope
(certain aspects of the work of ISO and IVSC);
- Gaining understanding of how ISO works, and recording this in the FIG
Guide on Standardisation (FIG, 2002a);
- Active engagement with IVSC, reaching the stage of close relations by
- The work referred to in Section 5 above on survey instrument
standards, building on FIG’s Publication No 9 in this area (FIG, 1994);
- Submitting the FIG Statement on the Cadastre (FIG, 1995) to ISO for
fast-tracking to become an international standard (in this way taking
FIG’s expert work and using it to shorten standards development
timescales). Because of the national legal aspects of the cadastre, ISO
did not take this submission forward, but FIG learned more of the
- Active involvement in the ISO project on standardisation in the area
of qualification and certification of personnel (Section 10 below expands
on this);
- Building links with FIG’s sister societies in the area of standards,
leading to a joint session of papers at the FIG Congress in Washington in
2002; and
- Communicating on standards to FIG’s members through channels including
the FIG Bulletin and the FIG website.
Further information on all of this work can be found on FIG’s website (
This activity confirmed the importance of standardisation and standards
to surveyors, and that a properly coordinated effort by FIG could add
substantial value in this area. At the 2002 Congress, therefore, FIG decided
to bring the Task Force on Standards to a close (a task force by definition
having a limited life) and to set up a Standards Network to continue its
3.3 The FIG Standards Network
As mentioned above, the Standards Network was formed in 2002. Its agreed
terms of reference are as follows:
- Building and maintaining relations with the secretariats of
standardisation bodies;
- Proposing priorities on FIG’s standardisation activities, including
advising the Council on priorities for spending;
- Setting up necessary Liaison relationships with standardisation
- Ensuring that lead contacts to Technical Committees etc are in place;
- Maintaining an information flow on standardisation to FIG members,
including through the FIG website and FIG Bulletin, and more directly to
relevant Commission Officers;
- Maintaining the FIG Guide on Standardisation, and related material on
the FIG website;
- Working with other NGOs, within the framework of the Memoranda of
Understanding signed by the Council; and
- Advising FIG’s officers and members on standardisation activities as
A key area in which the Network aims to strengthen the work of the Task
Force is in its links with FIG’s Commissions. These are the main engine
house of FIG’s technical work, providing information to professional
surveyors and creating the material which can be introduced to the
standardisation process. They are also likely to provide the FIG experts to
standardisation activities. The Standards Network, officially part of FIG
Commission 1 (Professional Standards and Practice), therefore consists of a
representative of each of FIG’s ten Commissions. In most cases, these are
one of the Commission’s vice chairs, thus providing a direct link to the
leadership team of each Commission.
At its initial meeting, the benefits of bringing together experts from
across the field that is surveying were immediately apparent, with a number
of linkages being made. This first meeting also developed an outline,
prioritised work plan for the Network.
3.4 Plans for the immediate future
The work plan for the Network over the next one to two years includes:
- Collating and maintaining information on the work of the different
Commissions that are relevant to standardisation. This will allow the
Network to review all of the work in FIG that is relevant to standards and
to ensure that it is coordinated effectively, with the proper links to
Commission workplans.
- Strengthening links with other NGOs. A successful meeting and
joint session on standards were held at the Washington Congress, which
allowed the review of how FIG and our sister organisations can work
together and influence to best effect in this area. As a further step, the
different organisations have been asked to compile and maintain summaries
of how each is involved in standardisation work; this will allow sensible
joint working where appropriate.
- Building further FIG's relationship with IVSC. Several
successful sessions involving FIG and IVSC were held at the FIG 2002
Congress. The International Valuation Standards Committee has developed
IVS2002. FIG is currently reviewing its formal relationship with IVSC,
recognising the important role FIG (particularly Commission 9 – Valuation
and the Management of Real Estate) can play in developing valuation
- Inputting to ISO’s work on standards for survey instruments.
FIG Commission 5 has been involved in the ISO work of refining standards
for survey instruments for some years. The goal is a single, usable set of
standards that are appropriate for field surveyors (and not just for
calibration laboratories). Some of these standards are now published;
Commission 5 will ensure that FIG continues its work in this field.
- Inputting to ISO’s work on Geographic Information Standards.
The work of ISO Technical Committee (TC) 211 will have a profound impact
on large numbers of surveyors. At present, many of its first generation of
standards are conceptual models. TC211, however, is now moving into the
more detailed area, including the development of registries. Location
Based Services is a particular focus. Another is geodetic codes and
parameters, where FIG has been asked to assist in compiling a library of
the definitive transformations required to move between different
coordinate reference systems. TC211 also is becoming the place where the
geographic information community meets – the liaison members of the
Committee include the Open GIS Consortium, the Global Spatial Data
Infrastructure (GSDI) and FIG. FIG has played an active role, but has
recognised that it can’t be involved in everything. Particular aspects we
are focusing on at present are:
- The work item on the Qualification and Certification of Personnel
(see Section 3.5 below for more information).
- Involvement in outreach activity. TC211 has set up an
Outreach Group, tasked with ensuring that the market is aware of its
standards and their implications, and that standards developers are
fully aware of market views and the needs of the global community of
users of geographic information. FIG has long advocated this work, and
has two members of the Outreach Group. The Network will coordinate with
the Outreach Group to ensure that FIG plays a full part in this
important work.
- Particular work items of relevance to the different
Commissions, including Commission 3 (work in Location Based Services,
and to underpin Spatial Data Infrastructures) and Commission 5
(coordinate reference system issues).
- Involvement in the terminology work. In particular, the
Network continues to work with the FIG Multi Lingual Dictionary (MLD)
Team and ISO to review how the MLD can input to the standardisation of
terminology. The MLD could be particularly useful, as it is primarily in
German whereas TC211’s work so far has been in English. This link might
also facilitate the keeping up to date of the MLD after the completion
of the current revision. At present, mutual hotlinks are in place
between the two websites, with other developments being considered.
- Considering whether any FIG material can expedite the development
of standards. There is a wealth of material that FIG could offer to
the process, again supporting FIG’s policy of creating workable, timely
standards. This will become more clear through the process of collating
Commission activity.
- Promoting the development of best practice and standards in the
areas of construction economics (Commission 10, working with the
International Cost Engineering Council) and spatial planning (Commission
8), areas not to date covered to any extent by official standards. Another
area of interest to FIG is the further development of international
hydrographic standards.
- Investigating how Member Associations handle standardisation
activities, to see whether further support from FIG is needed in this
area. A small number of Member Associations have responded to a request
for information, and their responses are currently being reviewed.
- Maintaining and building links with the ISO Central Secretariat.
FIG has established a good profile with the Secretariat in Geneva. Further
substantive contact is being deferred until FIG and its sister societies
have reviewed their current activity, as a joint approach is likely to be
more beneficial than individual approaches.
- Maintaining a profile for the Network through articles, papers
This body of work will build on the successes of the Task Force, whilst
building stronger relationships with all of FIG’s Commissions.
3.5 Why should FIG be involved?
FIG has limited resources in both human and cash terms. It is therefore
necessary for the Federation to focus its efforts on those areas which are
central to its members’ interests and where it can add particular value. For
the reasons given in this paper, the FIG Council and General Assembly have
decided that international standardisation is one of these areas, and have
supported first the Task Force and now the Network.
Key benefits for surveyors and standardisation from FIG’s involvement
- Improved two-way linkages between standards developers and practising
surveyors, ensuring that developers are more fully aware of the
requirements of users and of what already exists; and that practitioners
are aware of standardisation work and its consequences for them;
- Improved standards in terms of both workability and timeliness;
- Improved survey practice, with higher levels of conformance and
quality, thus responding to customers’ growing expectations; and
- Improved bottom line for both surveyors and their customers.
All this is possible in return for a limited amount of resource, and a
clear focus within the Federation on this work.
The example of ISO’s work on the qualification and certification of
personnel (within TC211) illustrates many of these points. This work was
first proposed within ISO in 1997 by Canada, which was concerned that
Canadian national qualifications were not recognised when professionals
attempted to work in other jurisdictions. This is of interest to all
surveyors, particularly in a world which is increasingly global. Canada
proposed that ISO develop an official standard covering this area. FIG and
other professional bodies felt that this was not the appropriate response,
and that the correct route was for professional bodies to be entrusted with
this work. In essence, FIG agreed with the need for standards in this area,
but was not convinced that a Standard was the appropriate mechanism to
achieve the desired end.
Following a meeting at the FIG Congress in Brighton in 1998, the Canadian
proposal was modified to the development of ISO informative report on the
area, thus taking a step back from the immediate development of an official
standard. This was put to the vote within ISO TC211 and passed by 12 votes
to 9. At this stage, FIG took the decision to participate in the work,
rather than to ignore it, on the basis that influence in ISO is gained by
active participation. In parallel, FIG set up a Task Force on Mutual
Recognition, under the leadership of Stig Enemark, to review appropriate
protocols to ensure transferability of qualifications in a professional
environment. This Task Force reported in 2002 (see FIG 2002b).
The ISO work made slow progress between 1999 and 2001, with a small
number of active experts (generally including an FIG expert). It took the
route of reviewing procedures in a number of countries, complementing the
FIG work which had looked at regional level. A draft report was produced and
voted on within TC211 in the autumn of 2002, with the vote being heavily in
favour, and limited comments requiring consideration or amendment of the
draft report. The draft recommends that a broadly-based international
professional body should develop a suitable qualification and certification
system, building on the systems that already exist in different countries.
FIG hosted a Round Table discussion at its 2002 Congress in Washington DC,
including all of the main parties, to discuss the draft report and FIG’s
work on mutual recognition of qualifications.
As a result of the work over the last five years, all sides now
appreciate the motivation of the others, and recognise the common goal that
we are attempting to reach. Standardisation has shortcomings in a rapidly
changing world; and mutual recognition requires professional bodies in both
exporting and importing country. A full solution is likely to draw on
elements of each. The final version of the report is now under preparation
by ISO. In parallel with this, FIG is reviewing its recent progress on
mutual recognition, to provide a working model of this approach for
consideration as a way forward with the ISO report’s recommendation.
Throughout this work, FIG has constructively participated in the ISO
work, whilst in parallel continuing its professional activities. The result
has been a greater general understanding of the issues involved and the
views of all interested parties. A more critical response from FIG would not
have developed this flow of communication and understanding, and would
therefore have resulted in a sub-optimal solution. It is through
participation that FIG can represent the interests of its members and of
their customers, both essential roles of a professional body.
Standards are of great interest to surveyors both as professionals and
also as business people. Early and active engagement with the process of
standardisation by professional bodies such as FIG should ensure more
workable and more timely standards that meet the needs of practitioners,
their customers and the wider community. This is a central role for
professional associations and one in which FIG has made significant strides
over the last five years. There is still a good way to go, however, before
all of FIG’s members are aware of the standardisation issues which are
relevant to them, and are providing appropriate input to the standards
development process. The creation of the FIG Standards Network, tying its
work closely to that of FIG’s Commissions, is a further development in this
regard. In the next three years, the Network should facilitate increased
mutual understanding between surveyors and standards developers, thus
introducing more of the benefits of standardisation to the world of
Becker, J-M., 2002, Recommendations concerning survey instruments
maintenance and quality specification, proceedings of the FIG Congress,
Washington DC, 2002. Available from the FIG web site.
Davies, P.W.F., 1997, Current Issues in Business Ethics, Routledge
Publishing (the cited quote is in chapter 7, page 92).
DIN (German Institute for Standardisation), 1999, Economic benefits of
standardisation: summary of results, available at
FIG, 1994, Publication No 9: Recommended procedures for routine checks of
electro-optical distance meters (EDM), available on the FIG web site
FIG, 1995, Publication No 11: The FIG statement on the cadastre,
available on the FIG web site (
FIG, 2002a, Publication No 28, FIG Guide on Standardisation, available on
the FIG web site
FIG, 2002b, Publication No 27, Mutual Recognition of Professional
Qualifications, available on the FIG web site
Ostensen, O., 2001, The expanding agenda of geographic information
standards, ISO Bulletin, July 2001
Ringstedt, N., 2001. The need for International Standards for services
has been identified – now we need solutions, ISO Bulletin, March 2001
Further information can be found at the ISO (,
WTO (, FIG (,
IVSC ( and ISO TC211 (
web sites.
Iain Greenway holds an M.A. in Engineering from Cambridge
University, an M.Sc. in Land Survey from University College London and an
MBA from Cranfield University (including study at Macquarie University,
Australia). Between 1986 and 1999 he worked for the Ordnance Survey of Great
Britain. His positions during those years included geodetic and topographic
survey, strategic planning and pricing, sales and marketing, as well as a
number of management consultancy inputs in Swaziland and Lesotho and
technical consultancies supporting land reform in eastern Europe. In
1999-2000 he worked in Her Majesty's Treasury on improving public sector
productivity in the UK. Since the summer of 2000, Iain has been Deputy
Director of Ordnance Survey Ireland, responsible for much of the day-to-day
management of a national mapping agency undergoing profound changes in
status, structure, processes and culture. Iain is a Chartered Surveyor
(MRICS) and a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (MCIM). He is
the head of the RICS delegation to FIG, and Chair of the FIG Standards
Network. He is also a member of the Management and Editorial Boards of the
journal Survey Review. He has published a range of articles and papers on
geodetic surveys, business and management practices, sales and marketing,
and standardisation.
Mr Iain Greenway
13 Hazelbury Park
Dublin 15
Tel. + 353 1 802 5316
Fax + 353 1 820 4156
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