Article of the Month -
September 2013
Improving Land Governance for Development:
Opportunities and Challenges for the Survey Profession
Frank F. K. BYAMUGISHA, World Bank, Washington DC
1) This paper is an annotated
version of a keynote addressed by Frank Byamugisha from the World Bank
at the FIG Working Week, 6-10 May 2013 in Abuja, Nigeria. The
central message of the paper is that surveyors and other land
professionals have an important role to play in improving land
governance in Africa, which is critical to unlocking the continent’s
potential of abundant land to end extreme poverty and boost shared
prosperity. For further information about land administration and
reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa, Frank Byamigisha has just published the
book Securing Africa's Land for Shared Prosperity. Download the
This article is an annotated version of a keynote
address at the International Federation of Surveyors Working Week in
Abuja held May 6-10, 2013. The central message of the article is that
surveyors and other land professionals have an important role to play in
improving land governance in Africa, which is critical to unlocking the
continent’s potential of abundant land to end extreme poverty and boost
shared prosperity. Improving land governance and ending extreme poverty
within a 10 to 20 year period is not an insurmountable challenge if all
key stakeholders work in partnership to scale up successful innovations
and adopt global best practices. A new World Bank report proposes how to
do this via a 10-point program of reforms and investments estimated to
cost US$4.5 billion.
The International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)
Working Week in Abuja, Nigeria presented an opportunity to reflect on
the achievements of FIG since its establishment in 1878. FIG has grown
in membership from one country to 120 countries over 135 years, and has
achieved significant success in its mission. For example, while
extending its global outreach, FIG has been able to set and maintain
high professional standards globally within its membership.
The FIG Working Week also presented an opportunity to
reflect on the development of Sub-Saharan Africa, the host of that
event. Africa’s economies have been going through a period of
unprecedented growth. Excluding South Africa, which grew at 3 percent in
2012, Sub-Saharan Africa grew at 5.8 percent per year, consolidating
more than a decade of growth at rates above 5 percent per year. World
Bank projections indicate that Sub-Saharan Africa will continue to grow
at about 6 percent per year for the next three years (except for South
Africa, with projected growth of 3 percent), while the global economy is
expected to grow at only 2.4 percent. In other words, Africa is
projected to grow twice as fast as the global economy. This is good
While we were justified in celebrating Africa’s
achievements in Abuja, we cannot rest on our laurels. The greatest
challenge to mankind today is the 1.2 billion people on this planet
(about 22 percent of the population in the developing world) living in
extreme poverty, on less than US$1.25 a day. One-third of the people
living in extreme poverty, 400 million, are in Sub-Saharan Africa, with
nearly one out of every two Africans living in extreme poverty.
The co-existence of recent unprecedented growth and
high levels of extreme poverty in Africa is paradoxical. There is no
doubt that the strong economic growth of the last decade has reduced
poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa (in fact, it reduced by 10 percent, from
about 58 to 48 percent), but the growth impact on poverty has been
substantially less than that achieved in other regions of the world.
There are two main reasons: (i) inequality, and (ii) dependence on
natural resources, especially oil and minerals. These have dampened the
poverty-reducing impacts of income growth: growth has not produced jobs,
and the revenue from oil and minerals has not been spent on the poor.
Agriculture and manufacturing, the labor-intensive sectors that normally
produce jobs, have not participated in this growth except in a few
countries. To break the high-growth, high-poverty nexus, two critical
actions are required: spending revenue from oil and minerals on
people-centered investments such as education, health, and nutrition and
encouraging growth in the sectors that generate jobs and incomes for the
majority of the population, particularly agriculture. This article
focuses on the latter action, as it is more relevant for the majority of
African countries and is the one where surveyors and other land
professionals can more readily make a difference.
In Africa, agriculture is the sector that produces
the most jobs, providing a livelihood to 70 percent of the population.
Growth in agriculture translates to a greater reduction in poverty than
does growth in other economic sectors, with analysts estimating
agriculture’s poverty-reduction impact to be significantly higher (World
Bank 2013). The challenge is to both boost agricultural productivity on
currently cultivated land and to put into production the vast amount of
currently unused land. Today, agricultural productivity in Africa is
about 25 percent of its potential: yields of maize, a staple food for
many people, stand at about 20 percent of that achieved at research
stations. Clearly there is still a lot of room for productivity growth
in agriculture for the sector to become a key driver of income and job
growth. There is even more room to boost agricultural incomes and jobs
from uncultivated land. Of the remaining and usable uncultivated land
worldwide, 202 million hectares (representing 47 percent of total
uncultivated land) are in Sub-Saharan Africa.
To cultivate the unused land and narrow the
productivity gap, Africa needs to invest substantially more in
agriculture. Investment in African agriculture has historically been
low. But since around 2008, a combination of factors (including the food
crisis, the commodity boom, and the financial crisis in America and
Europe) has led to increased interest from investors to acquire land for
large-scale agriculture globally. Two-thirds of the land acquired has
been in Africa, prompting some critics to call it the “New Scramble for
Africa.” But why has this become a bigger issue in Africa than in other
regions of the world? The answer is that virtually all (about 90
percent) rural land in Africa is undocumented. As is commonly known,
undocumented land is vulnerable to land grabbing and to expropriation
with little or no compensation. Documentation of land is critical not
only to protect local communities but also to provide security to
investors. Increasing the bargaining power of local communities to reach
a win-win agreement with investors is good for investment. In turn,
increased investment and local participation are good for agriculture,
the economy, employment and incomes, yielding a considerable impact on
reducing extreme poverty (World Bank 2013). This is where land
surveyors, other land professionals, and FIG can best contribute
But the million dollar question is this: If Africa
has documented less than 10 percent of its rural land in the last 50
years of its independence and if only about 25 percent of the total land
worldwide is documented, is it really feasible to document the remaining
90 percent of Africa’s rural land in the next 10 to 20 years? And the
challenge does not stop with rural land; there are also urban slums to
reckon with, home to 70 percent of Africa’s urban population. In my
view, the answer is yes, if we are strategic and focused in our
approach. Expedited documentation of land is an area in which surveyors
and other land professionals can make a real difference, but we need to
change the way we do business. We must ensure that we serve more people
and accomplish more with less, and in a much shorter time than we have
done in the last 135 years when FIG was first founded. It can be done
but we need to learn from the contemporary history of land
administration reform and act on recent lessons.
China and Vietnam provide relevant examples. China in
1978 and Vietnam in 1988 dismantled their collective farms and used
long-term leases to allocate land rights to farming households. In
China, this policy action launched an era of prolonged agricultural
growth that transformed rural China and led to the largest reduction in
poverty in history. The percentage of people living in extreme poverty
declined from about 80 percent of the population in 1981, the highest in
the world at that time, to only 13 percent in 2008. Similarly, Vietnam’s
land reform has also engineered remarkable agricultural growth and
economic transformation in the last two decades, reducing extreme
poverty there from 58 percent in the early 1990s to 14.5 percent in
Surveyors and land professionals should note that the
land tenure reforms that introduced long-term leases in China and
Vietnam were not accompanied by use of any spatial frameworks or
cadastral mapping to delineate household land. In fact, Vietnam started
developing a spatial framework for rural land holdings about five years
ago, while China is only starting to do so now using satellite imagery.
In other words, both China and Vietnam allocated land rights to
households without a spatial framework, and certainly not one based on a
detailed survey of boundaries. Similarly, when Thailand developed its
Land Code in 1954, it provided for recognition of a continuum of rights,
with seven categories of land rights recorded using spatial frameworks
of varying degrees of detail, from doing without a cadastral map (not
even a sketch) to using orthophotos to ultimately using cadastral maps
based on detailed surveys of boundaries.
It is not just Asian countries that have exercised
flexibility in allocating a continuum of land rights to their people and
in surveying their land. England and Wales have long used the general
boundaries rule to document rural land using large-scale base maps. In
Africa, significant progress in this direction has been made in the last
10 years. In three years, from 2003 to 2005, Ethiopia issued land use
certificates for 20 million land parcels without even a sketch map. In
June 2012, Rwanda completed a country-wide program to adjudicate and
demarcate 10.3 million land parcels mainly using orthophoto maps. These
land administration reform programs, combined with other agricultural
and economic interventions, have done wonders for the economies of
Ethiopia and Rwanda. Both economies have grown at 8-10 percent per year
in the last half decade. As a result, Ethiopia reduced extreme poverty
from over 40 percent to 30 percent in the last 10 years, while Rwanda
reduced it from 55 percent to 40 percent in the same period.
Other African countries are following in the
footsteps of Ethiopia and Rwanda in exercising flexibility to award and
document land rights. Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Mozambique, Namibia,
Madagascar, Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, and Burkina Faso have land legislation
that permits flexibility in measuring rural land boundaries. Pilots have
been undertaken in these countries to take advantage of the favorable
The lessons from experience are inspiring and provide
hope and guidance. To continue and expand on these successes in Africa,
we land professionals must lead the way. We need to act with a sense of
urgency. We need to move away from rigid surveying standards and
technologies to more flexible ones that meet today’s needs while
anticipating those of tomorrow. Relevance has to be our guiding
principle, not accuracy: given limited budgets, we must balance accuracy
with speed and cost when designing spatial frameworks. And we must take
advantage of the opportunities offered by modern technology.
A growing number of people are already advocating and
carrying forward these ideals in various forms and shapes, with a
variety of names and labels. For example, Stig Enemark (2012) calls it
“Spatially Fit-for-Purpose”. Robin McLaren (2011) calls it “Crowd
Sourcing”. Michael Barry, Molero and Muhsen (2013) call it the “talking
titler” while the Global Land Tool Network calls it a “Social Tenure
Domain Model” (UN-Habitat 2008). Common to all of these high-flying
initiatives is the desire for simple, affordable, fast, and
community-supported approaches to designing spatial frameworks and to
recording land rights and related information. The initiators are not
mere research academics, intellectual dreamers, or knuckleheads, but
rather well-meaning social innovators. Let us work with them to test
these initiatives, scale up the successful ones, and most importantly,
learn from those that fail. We need to appraise these and other
investments and technologies to ensure that they are technically,
economically, socially, and environmentally sound to meet the needs of
society. The bottom line is that we need practical and bold new
solutions to document the land rights of billions of people in rural
areas and urban slums to get them out of informality and extreme
We must redouble our efforts to remove inflexible
surveying regulations, but we must also go beyond regulations. We must
deal head on with educational and research institutions to ensure those
education curricula for surveyors and other professionals move away from
serving only a few people with over-engineered and costly solutions. We
must instead be able to serve the masses, to recognize a continuum of
land rights, and to focus on recording rights quickly and cheaply. We
should not fix land boundaries in a costly way and in lengthy processes
that take decades to complete national programs. The required changes go
beyond educational and research institutions. The organization of work
in ministries of lands, Land Commissions, and survey and mapping
agencies must also change. Change is also needed among suppliers and
service providers such as consultancy firms; and change must also reach
advocacy groups and development partners. Simply put, the mindsets and
attitudes of all key stakeholders in land governance must change
Surveyors and other land professionals must be at the
front and center of this massive change. Let us modernize and simplify
surveying and mapping regulations to take advantage of modern technology
to do things faster and cheaper. Let us also move forward with piloting
new innovations and scaling up global best practices and pilots that are
successful. For those that fail, let us learn from them to do better.
Let us learn from the experiences of China, Vietnam, Thailand, Ethiopia,
Rwanda, and many others. As professionals, we can and should position
ourselves to play a central role in fighting extreme poverty, today’s
greatest challenge to mankind.
We at the World Bank are ready to work in
partnership... We have prepared ourselves to support sound land
governance with a combination of policy reforms and investments. In July
2013, after four years of review, we launched a report on improving land
governance in Sub-Saharan Africa in a 10-point program that includes not
only documenting land rights but also increasing land access for the
poor, increasing efficiency in land administration, developing land
administration in post-conflict countries, developing capacity,
resolving land disputes, improving land use planning, improving
management of public land, and strengthening property valuation and land
tax policies (Byamugisha 2013). This US$4.5 billion program will be
implemented over 10 years, and we are looking forward to the support of
all stakeholders to make it a reality.
Eradicating extreme poverty is a formidable challenge
but surveyors and other land professionals should see this as an
opportunity to make a positive difference and improve the lives of
people. But we have to act differently and with a lot of flexibility and
urgency. The World Bank is seeking to strengthen partnerships in all
possible ways, especially at the country level and with FIG, to improve
land governance for development.
With support from all our partners, we are confident
that extreme poverty will be eradicated by 2030, precisely when FIG will
be 152 years old. Our work must begin now. And we must do so with a
sense of urgency.
Barry, M., R. Molero, and A. Muhsen. 2013.
“Evolutionary land tenure information system development: the talking
titler methodology.” International Federation of Surveyors Article of
the Month. February 2013.
Byamugisha, F.F.K. 2013. Securing Africa’s Land for Shared Prosperity: A
Program to Scale up Policy Reforms and Investments. Africa Development
Forum Series. Washington, DC: World Bank.
Enemark, S. 2012. “Sustainable Land Governance: Spatially enabled, fit
for purpose, and supporting the global agenda.” Paper presented at the
Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, Washington DC, April
McLaren, R.A. 2011. “Crowd-sourcing Support of Land Administration: A
new, collaborative partnership between citizens and land professions.”
RICS Research.
UN-HABITAT. 2008. Secure Land Rights for All. Nairobi. Accessed at:
World Bank. 2013. “Africa’s Pulse: An Analysis of Issues Shaping
Africa’s Economic Future.” April 2013, Vol. 7. World Bank, Washington,
Frank F. K. Byamugisha is an Operations Adviser and
Lead Land Specialist in the Africa Region of the World Bank. The article
is based on a book he authored, Securing Africa’s Land for Shared
Prosperity, published and launched by the World Bank in July 2013: The findings, interpretations
and conclusions expressed in this article are those of the author and do
not necessarily reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of
Executive Directors, or the governments they represent.
Frank F. K. Byamugisha

Securing Africa's Land for Shared Prosperity
by Frank F. K. Byamugisha
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