The evolution of FIG during the last 20 years could be described by
saying that FIG has developed during those years from a modest
international federation to a strong and esteemed global actor in the
wide field of surveying and mapping. I believe that nowadays the FIG
representatives have no need to explain what kind of organisation they
represent when visiting UN agencies and other international or national
surveying and mapping organisations.
In the following I am trying to draw your attention to some main
elements from my point of view which have shaped FIG to its current
The Bureaux and Councils of the period to be discussed
- Finnish Bureau, President Juha Talvitie
- Australian Bureau, President Earl James
- British Bureau, President Peter Dale
- US Bureau, President Robert W. Foster
- German Council, President Holger Magel and
- The First Elected Council, President Stig Enemark
The term of the US Bureau was shortened to three years because of the
administrative reform.
The development of FIG over the last 20 years, as for memberships,
resources, organisation and activities, has been much greater than
changes during the presiding FIG history from 1878 to 1987. This latter
period has been described in the FIG History 1878-1987 written by
Herbert H. Ahrens.
Originally FIG has had only one type of members, namely national
associations of surveyors with certain educational criteria. In addition
since 1967 there have been individual correspondents from countries in
which there have not been eligible associations or associations willing
to join the FIG.
Many developing countries have had problems with joining FIG because
of lack of funding to pay the membership fees. Because of this FIG has
introduced a policy to decide membership fees according to the economic
situation in a country. Despite this the problem has not disappeared.
The Beijing Extra ordinary GA meeting in1991 accepted the proposal to
establish a new membership category “Sponsors”. The proposal originated
from the meeting with exhibiters in the Helsinki Congress. The GA in
Seoul 2001 decided to change the name FIG Sponsors into a new one,
namely Corporate Membership. There are a number of benefits FIG can
offer to these members. The role of corporate members, especially
Platinum members has had a great impact in resources allowing FIG to
develop to the international player that is today.
The GA in the Brighton Congress in 1998 introduced two new categories
of membership. Affiliate members, which are groups of surveyors, who do
not meet the membership criteria. Affiliate members may also be national
surveying and mapping authorities. The second new category was the
Academic members to give university departments the opportunity to
become more involved in the work of FIG. It is interesting to note, that
the same idea about Affiliate Membership had been proposed to the
Budapest PC meeting in 1989, but it was rejected. The PC did not like to
have governmental organisations involved in FIG activities. Times
The Affiliate members are mostly national agencies dealing with
surveying and mapping matters. This category helps FIG to get good
contacts also with the authorities concerned. I believe that this is for
mutual benefit. We invited all the director generals of these
organizations to the Helsinki Congress and organised a special meeting
for them. A possible affiliate membership of their agencies was not
discussed in this meeting. The Director General Forum is now a permanent
component of all working weeks and congresses.
The Academic membership category is also an excellent idea. This is a
way for FIG to contribute to the education of surveyors and also
disseminate the results of the findings of different seminars and
studies organised by FIG. The FIG Surveying Education Database, SEDB, is
probably the best benefit an Academic Member can get from FIG
In general these new categories will give FIG a larger audience and
also the possibility to get new resources.
Year |
associations |
members |
members |
members |
Correspondents |
1990 |
56 |
14 |
1995 |
72 |
10 |
19 |
2000 |
79 |
5 |
10 |
28 |
16 |
2005 |
95 |
14 |
27 |
82 |
14 |
2010 |
103 |
37 |
35 |
89 |
18 |
The development of FIG memberships
in different categories.
These figures indicate that the opening of the doors for FIG
membership has been well received by new actors and thus been a right
policy. The geographical coverage is also good. FIG is now present in
one way or another in 120 countries. New members are coming on board.
New members and the rise of membership fees have given FIG new
resources and there is no longer the need to ask for grants from
governmental and other external sources.
The development of FIG finances is shown below. The figures are not
exact. The figures of 1990, 1995 and 2000 were originally presented in
Swiss Francs and are now changed to Euros by using the value 1 SF is
0.68 €. This is a rough estimate.
The Finnish and Australian Bureaux were very dependent on grants
mostly from governmental sources. This had been the case at least during
the time of the Bulgarian and Canadian Bureaux. It is worthwhile to note
that FIG has succeeded to grow its financial reserve so that it covers
one year’s expenditure, which has been the target. The US Bureau was
able to build this surplus and thus to stabilise FIG´s financial basis.
Year |
associations |
Grants |
members |
members |
members |
Total |
1990 |
71 000 |
94 000 |
172 000 |
1995 |
83 000 |
39 000 |
17 000 |
163 000 |
2000 |
198 000 |
27 000 |
4 000 |
800 |
257 000 |
2005 |
245 000 |
75 000 |
14 000 |
4 800 |
399 000 |
2009 |
285 000 |
110 000 |
18 000 |
16 000 |
422 000 |
The development of FIG finances. All figures are in
The total sum includes also other sources of income than shown.
The development of FIG´s finances is a result of a purposeful policy
by many actors and as such an achievement all involved should be proud
of. Now we can say that FIG is a totally independent organisation.
During the period from 1988 to 2007 FIG organisation and
administration have been in constant flux or under investigation as to
what should be done.
The Finnish Bureau prepared to the first PC of its mandate in
Wellington 1988 the FIG work plan for the whole period of office. It
covered the proposed actions of the Bureau and the commissions including
the OICRF. Also for that meeting the Bureau prepared a new type of
agenda. It included not only items to be dealt with but also information
about them and the motion of the Bureau for the decision when possible.
These customs have since been normal practice, but the content of the
work plans has developed all the time.
When preparing the work plan the Finnish Bureau learnt that the
commission activities were focused on the preparation of the programme
of the next congress and on the implementation of the resolutions of the
previous congress. There were few other activities between the
congresses. The main reason for this was the lack of resources and old
customs. The second observation was related to the role of PC meetings.
It was solely to deal with administrative issues. The professional
programme if any was the responsibility of the host association.
These findings lead to three noteworthy actions. The Budapest PC
decided on the qualifications which the candidates for the commission
vice chairmanship should meet. There had been cases when the vice
chairmanship was given only for a country who had the right to appoint
the person. Also the Bureau learnt that not all the candidates proposed
where committed to the task.
To get the right persons to FIG organisations is of crucial
importance. As a good example I would like to mention the decisions of
the Helsinki PC meeting when appointing new commission vice chairmen.
Among them were Stig Enemark, Helge Onsrud, Markku Villikka and Ian
Williamson. You all know their fine careers within FIG. I can be proud
of the fact that I had the gavel in my hand to confirm those wise
The Helsinki PC decided to establish an Inter Commission Advisory
Commission, ICAC. This was the beginning of the current ACCO. In order
to have more professional programme at the time of PC meetings the
Bureau proposed to the commissions to organise their own meetings and
seminars during this meeting time. There was a good beginning in Beijing
in 1991.
The Australian Bureau introduced a number of fundamental changes in
FIG administration. The Berlin PC meeting in 1995 accepted the principle
of establishing a permanent FIG office. The second principally major
decision of that Berlin meeting was that FIG adopts English as the only
FIG language, replacing the three language policy of English, French and
German. This decision was to be implemented immediately. Also the PC
agreed that the present General Assembly and Permanent Committee
meetings be replaced with a new unitary body, to be known as the General
Assembly, which would meet annually. At the same time the concept of the
annual FIG “working week” was agreed upon, maintaining the present
quadrennial FIG congress cycle. Also the role of ICAC was strengthened
and renamed as the Advisory Committee of Commission Officers, ACCO.
Because of these decisions the Melbourne Congress was the last one
where the resolutions of the commissions were prepared and accepted. By
introducing the concept of the Working Week the special resolutions were
not needed any more. It was also decided that the term of office of the
commission officers will start and terminate immediately after the
The formation of the FIG Education Foundation was also initiated by
the Australian Bureau and further developed by the US Bureau. Now it is
called The FIG Foundation with the motto” Building a Sustainable
Future”. The purpose of the foundation is to finance surveying education
development projects and support young surveyors. The funds shall not be
used to support the normal activities of FIG. The first grants were
given in 2002 and thereafter each year.
In this context I would like to mention that in the Paris PC 1978,
when FIG celebrated its 100th anniversary, the founding member
associations of FIG decided to establish the “Founders Prize” or the
“Centenary Prize”. The target was that these members should donate a
total of 4000 Swiss Francs for the prize. The target was achieved at the
Montreux Congress. Only the associations of the Nordic countries donated
later. The following Bureaux had not made any decision about the use of
the collected funds. The Finnish Bureau tried to get more funds for the
prize, but there were no members willing to donate for it. And we were
not clever enough to find other means how to raise more money for the
fund. So the Bureau noticed that the collected funds were too small to
run a prize and thus the Bureau returned the donated funds back to the
respective member associations.
The UK Bureau had the responsibility to implement the decision to
establish a permanent secretariat to FIG. The Bureau invited offers to
host the office. Five possible locations were presented to the PC
meeting in Singapore in 1997. After a complicated procedure the Danish
offer was accepted. The office was then located at no costs in the
premises of the Danish member association Den danske
Landinspektörforening, DdL. The second step in this process was to
appoint the permanent secretary. After the selection process Markku
Villikka was appointed to the post of FIG Director. The FIG permanent
office was in operation from the beginning of 1999 but was officially
opened on 3-4 February 1999 in conjunction with FIG Bureau meeting. The
creation of the Permanent Office and the post of full time Director were
great achievements. The whole FIG family owe much to those involved in
this process.
The next step in the development was to renew the FIG governance
structure. The Task Force on the Future Governance of FIG, introduced by
the UK Bureau and chaired by Tom Kennie, presented its first ideas at
the GA meeting in Sun City in 1999. The aim was to get to FIG a directly
elected Bureau, called later a Council. This work, led by the US Bureau,
was discussed in the Prague GA meeting in 2000 and the results of the
finalization of the proposals were ready for the decisions at the Seoul
GA meeting in 2001. This meant that the new structure would be fully
operational in 2007.The German Council started the implementation of
this new governance structure. Two new vice presidents were elected in
Athens 2004. The new FIG President was directly elected at the Munich
Congress in 2006 as well two new vice presidents.
At Munich there were real election campaigns. The candidates for the
presidency as well for the posts of the vice presidents marketed
themselves and the participants had a good opportunity to evaluate their
competences. Stig Enemark became the first directly elected FIG
President. He got the majority of votes during the first round of
Now the FIG GA is in position to really decide about the elections of
the council members. Earlier the FIG GA could only accept the decisions
made by the host associations of the Congresses. When two of the council
members are now elected after two years interval the continuity of the
council activities is safeguarded with the assistance of the FIG Office.
This new election system requires qualified candidates to the open
posts and real competition to meet the expectations set for the reform.
This was the case at the Sydney Congress, when the FIG President was
elected the second time and also in the elections of the two Vice
FIG has currently two permanent institutions: The International
Office of Cadastre and Land Records (OICRF), and the International
Institution for the History of Surveying and Measurement- Permanent
Institution of FIG (IIHSM). The FIG Multi –Lingual Dictionary Board was
closed at the end of 2006, because the work came to an end after 35
years. The FIG Foundation is in addition an independent body within the
At the beginning of 2007 FIG had a revised organization with the
permanent office and fulltime director in operation. The process dealing
with fundamental organizational and administrative issues had lasted
nearly 20 years.
It is not possible to give a detailed overview about the development
of FIG activities within a few minutes. Therefore I will discuss only
some main features concentrating on the development of the FIG UN
The general observation is that the activities have diversified all
the time and developed to an unbelievable level.
6.1 Congresses and Working Weeks
The nature of Congresses has remained unchanged but the content has
diversified including special meetings with partners. The length is
shortened from 10 to 7days. The introduction of the practise of plenary
sessions seems to be a good solution. It gives a wide audience an
opportunity to get information about actual topics of general interest.
The latest congress has always been the biggest. I wonder when the wall
will be met.
1990 |
Helsinki |
The Challenge of the Information Society for Surveyors |
1994 |
Melbourne |
Surveying Global Changes |
1998 |
Brighton |
Developing the Profession in a Developing World |
2002 |
Washington D.C. |
Geomatics and Property Valuation for Global Sustainable
Development. |
2006 |
Munich |
Shaping the Change |
2010 |
Sydney |
Facing the Challenges – Building the Capacity |
The themes of the past Congresses
show the interests of the Bureau/Council of that time.
The Working Week practise has changed the nature of the old Permanent
Committee meeting in a very positive way. Now the meeting is not only
for administrative business but mostly for professional activities. In
practise a Working week is a mini Congress.
By introducing the peer review process for authors willing to use it
is a way to safeguard the quality of papers to be presented. It reminds
us that FIG is also a scientific organisation.
The professional and scientific programmes of these events offer a
variety of possibilities to learn and hear about new practises, findings
and experiences. They are also places where FIG can publish the outcomes
and results of the cooperation with UN agencies. An important thing to
be mentioned is, that these events offer the surveyors possibilities to
learn how to prepare quality papers and present them to an audience.
These are talents useful in their ordinary work.
6.2 Regional conferences
A regional conference is a newcomer within FIG activities. Current
practise has been to have a regional conference every odd year. These
conferences have been organised in co-operation with a UN agency. The
locations of these events have been in developing countries and regions
having special issues to be addressed. These conferences have been very
successful. In this way FIG has been able to provide expert speakers to
the conference and to deepen the cooperation with UN agencies and also
to activate local and regional organisations to find solutions to their
own problems.
6.3 Co-operation with sister organizations and other professional
The return back to the Joint Board of Geospatial Information
Societies practise is a good thing. I say this because the Finnish
Bureau negotiated the IUSM (International Union of Surveying and
mapping) membership in1989. It was a process which had started during
the Bulgarian Bureau when FIG had promised to become a member. With the
support of the PC we were able to negotiate the content of the IUSM
statutes so that it could not develop to a strong, independent
international organisation. Instead it was only a body for cooperation
and because of that the disbanding was the right decision. I was never
sure what was behind the idea of IUSM.
At the same PC it was decided that FIG should apply for the associate
membership of ICSU, International Council for Science. The preparation
of the application was a complicated task. FIG needed to have a letter
of support at least from three international full members and four
national full members. The application was sent in 1991 and accepted in
The cooperation includes nowadays also a number of other professional
and regional organisations. Bilateral agreements about cooperation have
been made with some of them.
6.4 Co-operation with UN agencies, a real success story
FIG has currently very close co-operation with many important UN
Agencies, like UN-HABITAT, FAO, UNSD, UNEP and UN OOSA and also with the
World Bank. This co-operation has lead to many joint actions, like
seminars and publications, with good results. FIG representatives have
also attended many UN events as speakers. All this has been possible
because FIG has been able to offer real expertise and practical tools to
meet the needs of those agencies. At the same time FIG has been able to
promote the interest of the profession. To reach this position FIG has
gone a long way, it has required a lot of work and also wisdom to build
up good atmosphere and good personal contacts for the co-operation.
Before discussing further the UN relationship it is probably
interesting to know how the co-operation with the UN has begun.
According to the FIG history the first ties with a UN agency, namely
UNESCO, were established in 1949 by the Swiss Bureau in the Lausanne
Congress. UNESCO and FAO attended as observers the several following
congresses. UNESCO had also assisted with the printing costs of the
proceedings of the congresses in 1958 and 1962. In the London Congress
1968 UNESCO had requested information on the role it might play in
promoting the professional interests of surveyors. As the response the
GA resolved that already close ties between FIG and UNESCO should be
The Finnish Bureau decided to do something in developing co-operation
with the UN. In the beginning we learnt that FIG was recognised in1970
by the ECOSOC as a non-governmental organisation with consultative
status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN. So the doors were
open for closer co-operation with UN.
Why the co-operation with the UN was considered necessary and
important? The starting point was the purpose of FIG. To put it simply
we can say, that the tasks of FIG are to develop the profession and to
look after and to promote the interests of surveyors. The second point
was that the UN agencies have been established to implement adopted UN
policies. Some of these policies were related to the environment, like
promotion of sustainable development and to housing and thus to land
issues especially in developing countries because of rapid urbanisation.
So the work of surveyors was also related to those issues.
By being involved in some UN programmes surveyors can not only
contribute to the UN work but can also benefit from it many ways. By
offering surveyors´ expertise to wider use it would be possible to raise
the profile of surveying and to find new tasks where surveying could
help. This can give also new impetus to develop current working habits
and education. Also this awareness means that surveyors can contribute
to these global goals not only via the UN programmes but in their normal
everyday work.
Keeping this type of deliberations in mind we thought, that the
activities of the current UN-HABITAT and UNEP were closest to the work
of the surveying profession and thus good targets to start with. I knew
some people in those agencies because of my own work and I also had had
some UN speakers in the commission 8 sessions at the Montreux Congress
in 1981. To get contacts for a visit was an easy task. In discussions
the representatives of both agencies were interested in developing
closer co-operation. There were some ideas about the content of
co-operation, but no decisions were made.
The main question for FIG was this: what could we offer this
co-operation, being only an organisation not well aware of global
programmes and with no practical means and tools at hand except the work
of the commissions. We also lacked any recorded experiences on how to
act. For this reason we organised the preparations of the statements on
sustainable development and land management in order to show to those UN
agencies, that FIG was aware of some key current global concerns and
that surveyors have also practical tools to address these issues. Niels
Östergård was in charge of the preparation of the environmental
statement and J.L.G. Henssen of the land management statement.
That was the beginning of the practical co-operation. Both UN-
HABITAT and UNEP assisted the printing costs of those statements and
disseminated them to their partners. UNEP inscribed FIG as an
international non-governmental organisation enjoying official observer
status with UNEP Governing Council. At the Helsinki Congress we had
prominent speakers from these organisations. We had discussions also
with FAO and World Bank without any concrete results. We also discussed
the need to modify some different international classifications, like
ISCO regarding occupations with ILO, ISCED regarding education with
UNESCO and ISIC regarding industries with UN Statistical Office. We also
made concrete proposals for the amendments of these classifications. All
this work was a waste of time and money. FIG can operate very well
despite the contents of these classifications.
Since the time of the Finnish Bureau the FIG UN co-operation has
developed and got new dimensions in the work of each following office of
the Bureaux and Councils. This cooperation has got also more formal
content by signing a Memorandum of Understanding, MoU, with some of the
UN agencies. Peter Dale was the person who negotiated the first MoU.
These agreements identify the specific area of cooperation and give a
framework for the collaboration.
FIG has signed the following Memorandum of Understanding:
- 1997 With UNCHS/HABITAT, signed by Peter Dale
- 1999 MoU 1997 with HABITAT was evaluated and extended, signed by
Robert W. Foster
- 2000 New MoU with HABITAT, signed by Markku Villikka
- 2002 New MoU with HABITAT, signed by Robert W. Foster
- 2002 MoU with FAO, signed by Robert W. Foster
- 2004 MoU with OOSA, the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs,
signed by Holger Magel
- 2007 MoU with the Wold Bank, signed by Stig Enemark
- 2010 The reviewing and renewal the MoU with World Bank was
discussed by Stig Enemark and CheeHai Teo.
In most cases the MoU is considered as a permanent agreement and only
the plan of action is revised periodically. These MoUs indicate that FIG
is taken seriously as a partner with those agencies.
Despite these agreements FIG has close cooperation also with the
following UN agencies (most of them do not have a tradition of MoUs and
co-operation is based on the general accreditation through ECOSOC).
FIG has close cooperation with:
- United Nations Division for Sustainable Development
- United Nations Department of Economic and Social
Affairs/Statistics Division
- United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE),
Committee on Human Settlements, Working Party on Land Administration
- United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
- Global Land Tool Network (under auspices of UN-HABITAT)
- Habitat Professionals Forum (civil society partner to
The FIG connections with UN agencies are now so many that it is
difficult to give an overview of this co-operation. As always evolution
has taken place step by step. The concrete co-operation started by
having discussions with some agencies and attending some of their events
as speakers and organizers. One of the first attempts was the
involvement in the preparations for the Second United Nations Conference
on Human Settlements, HABITAT II which was held in Istanbul 1996. At
least Peter Burne, Peter Dale and Ian Williamson were persons involved
in these preparations. The target of the Conference was to prepare the
Global Plan of Action. There was a continuation of this work in
preparations for Istanbul +5, where FIG was also involved with Holger
Magel and Markku Villikka. The second major event at that time was the
Rio Summit for sustainable development in 1992, where Agenda 21 was
adopted. Peter Burne presented the papers at that meeting.
The Global Plan of Action and Agenda 21 were taken into account in
the work of FIG. The outcome was the publication of “FIG Agenda 21” in
2001. This report was prepared by Niels Östergård. At same time also
land management issues were discussed with UN agencies. The Bogor
Declaration was a result from an international meeting of cadastral
experts in 1996. It sets out desirable requirements and options for
cadastral systems of developing countries and countries in economic
transition. The Bathurst Declaration on Land Tenure and Cadastral
Infrastructure for Sustainable Development in 1999 was based on the
results of an international workshop and was a continuation of the Bogor
Declaration. Ian Williamson was a key person behind both declarations.
FIG is also a founding member of the Habitat Professionals Forum,
which was established in 1999. Its purpose is to strengthen the
cooperation of voluntary professional organizations with HABITAT in
promoting sustainable urban development. FIG representatives have been
active participants in this work; Presidents Holger Magel and Stig
Enemark have been acting also as chairs of the Forum.
The co-operation with OOSA, (The UN Office for Outer Space Affairs),
initiated by the German Council, started when FIG became interested in
disaster and risk management because of severe earthquakes and big
tsunamis. The MoU with OOSA, prepared from FIG side by Matt Higgins, was
signed in 2004.A FIG publication “The Contribution of Surveying
Profession to Disaster Risk Management” was issued in 2006.
Global Land Tool Network, GLTN; established by UN-HABITAT in 2006 is
one important coalition, which has affected FIG activities. Its purpose
is to contribute to poverty alleviation and the Millennium Development
Goals, MDG, through land reform, improved land management and security
of tenure. The FIG representatives have attended several GLTN meetings
as speakers. FIG has also organized some seminars related to GLTN.
President Stig Enemark has played a key role in the International
Advisory Board of GLTN.
The co-operation with FAO is also an important part of the FIG UN
relations. As examples can be mentioned the commission 9 seminar in
Helsinki in 2007 titled “Compulsory purchase and compensation in land
acquisition and taking” supported by FAO, commission 7 Annual Meeting
and International seminar on State and Public Land Management jointly
with FAO in Verona in 2008 and as an integrated part of the Hanoi,
Vietnam Regional Conference in 2009 FAO organized for Asian countries
“Regional Consultation on Voluntary Guidelines for Responsible
Governance of Tenure of Land and other Natural Resources”.
After many previous attempts Stig Enemark was the person who was able
to open the door of the World Bank for closer cooperation. The MoU with
the bank was signed in 2007. A result of this cooperation there was a
joint conference in 2009. The outcome is summarized in the publication
“Land Governance in Support of the Millennium Development Goals. A New
Agenda for Land Professionals”.
The main leading target related to UN activities of the current council
has been to address and promote the implementation of The Millennium
Development Goals adopted in 2000 by UN General Assembly. I understand
that Stig Enemark has been worried about whether the FIG family really
understands the needs of the global actions FIG has been involved in. In
the Greeting from the President in the Annual Review 2008 he explains
why global actions are necessary and beneficial also for all FIG members
and individual surveyors. He sees it as basis for developing the
capacity and societal status of surveyors at national and local levels.
This concern is real. I think that it is the responsibility of the
commissions and their national delegates also to spread the message and
explain why these actions are important and how all surveyors can
benefit from this involvement. To this discussion I would like to add,
that the representatives of a respected profession, like surveying, have
also a moral duty to be involved in the implementations of actual global
goals. Therefore surveyors should be aware of global societal concerns
related to their profession.
The list of the UN events where FIG representatives have contributed
to the UN work and attended as speakers and actors is endless. To
mention some more, FIG representatives have regularly attended UN
Cartographic Conferences both for the Americas and Asia & the Pacific as
well as the World Urban Forums organized by UN-HABITAT and its Governing
Council Meetings.
The attendances in UN events and joint seminars have also led to a
number of declarations and statements. The Marrakech Declaration on
“Urban-Rural Inter-relationship for Sustainable development” in 2004 was
a result of the FIG regional Conference held in Marrakech in 2003. The
Aguascalientes Statement on “Development of Land Information Policies in
the Americas” in 2005 was the outcome from a forum of UN/FIG/and Mexican
authorities. An important role as the outcome of UN relationships is
played by different types of publications which help to spread the
message to larger audience of the role and services surveyors can offer
in different fields of land management.
The content of UN related FIG activities have now reached a level
difficult to imagine. I have highlighted some of them. Many important
issues have not been mentioned. As a result of these UN related
activities FIG and surveyors are now considered respected professionals
in land management in its wide meaning and therefore sought-after
partners and speakers at international forums.
Stig Enemark has personally made a big job in developing the FIG UN
and World Bank relations. His involvements and activities are
remarkable. I know from my own modest experience that this has been also
very hard work, a lot thinking, reading, writing, speeches, discussions
and building contacts and a lot of traveling. I can only admire his
activities in these fields. Well done.
6.5 Communication
Real evolution has taken place in the field of communication and
information. It is hard to imagine the time some 20 years ago. FIG was
three lingual. The main communication channels were postal services, the
telephone and to some extent for short messages fax. The main
information was published in the printed Bulletin twice a year. All the
meeting documents had to be translated and copied at home, to be sure
that they were correct, and carried to meeting places. Representatives
got their copies when they arrived at their hotels. Some advance
information about important topics was sent by post to the member
The Internet, email and mobile phones have made it easier to
communicate and disseminate information. The FIG Office is the key
provider of the information. I am not going to list what all is
available. One only has to visit the FIG web site and see its contents.
Also printed material has been produced. The FIG annual review and
the FIG publications series have published important documents of
declarations, policy statements and guidelines of different technical,
educational and ethical guidelines. The FIG publications series was, by
the way started by the Finnish Bureau. It published seven documents. Now
the series has 56 documents.
Nobody can claim that there is not enough information about FIG and
its work. FIG has succeeded very well in using modern communication
6.6 The FIG Office plays an important role in management of the
FIG activities
We all know the work of the FIG office as the communication centre.
It is responsible for all administrative work like records. It is also
in charge of organizing all major FIG events and coordinating the
professional programmes. The Office takes care of the day-to-day
business of the federation and of the administration on a continuous
basis. One can assume that the Office also helps the members of the
council and the commissions in their activities.
For FIG as an International federation the permanent office is an
important body. It indicates that FIG is a strong actor having
continuity and an address to contact. FIG is not lacking a person to
call. FIG was fortunate in having Markku Villikka as the first FIG
Director. As a Finn I can be proud of his activities. I also
congratulate Stig for stabilizing the office structure. The office now
consists of three full time persons. Earlier the Den danske
Landinspektörförening provided the office space at no cost. Now FIG pays
also rent for the premises and thus FIG is fully independent also in
this respect. The contribution from DdL has been and will still be
6.7 Commissions are the professional backbone of the whole
The FIG commissions form the professional backbone of the whole
organisation. It is therefore good to notice that the activities of the
commissions have developed at the same pace with FIG. The federation has
also got a new commission, number 10 Construction Economics and
Management, when the task force on this topic was transformed to a
When reading the annual reports of FIG one can only be surprised how
active the current commissions are. The diversified actions do not
include only the preparations of the programmes for the congresses and
working weeks but also organisation of their annual meetings and
publication of the results of their work. They have many working groups
either of their own or in co-operation with other commissions or other
partners. The representatives of the commissions also attend different
professional events, including UN related, as speakers or cosponsors
FIG has been fortunate to have active officers in the commissions. I
believe that, this has been possible because the work offers good
playing ground not only within FIG but also within one’s own carreer.
FIG can now give more financial support than earlier, which helps to
carry out planned actions.
The ACCO is an important team to coordinate commission activities and
to discuss actual professional issues. It is considered a good think
thank for professional development. It has also its own representative
in the council.
6.8 The Council as the engine of work of FIG
It is natural that the councils have been in the key position to
guide and initiate the FIG activities during the years of transition.
FIG has undergone a great transformation in the past 20 years both
administratively as well as professionally. The outgoing council has
been able to very successfully concentrate mostly on the professional
work in Building the Capacity as they promised in their work plan in
When the activities have diversified all council members now have
their own specific duties. The role of the president as the figurehead
has become more important to lead and to represent the whole
organization. This requires that the president should be well aware
about the societal development related to land management in the whole
world and is also professionally qualified to understand when and how
FIG should respond to the changing situation. Our current president Stig
Enemark has fulfilled these requirements in an outstanding way.
As I mentioned at the beginning FIG has developed during the last 20
years from a modest international federation to a strong and esteemed
global actor in the wide field of surveying and mapping. The FIG
administration under Stig Enemark´s leadership has played an important
role to reach this position and leaves FIG in a very good shape for the
incoming administration.
When paying tribute to Stig Enemark´s work as the FIG President there
is one thing I still want to mention and that is the changing role of
surveyors. Stig has discussed this theme in his Greeting of the
President in the Annual Reviews, in many speeches, latest in the
INTERGEO 2010, and in written articles. He has stressed that the role is
changing. I quote “The change means that surveyors are increasingly
contributing to building sustainable societies as experts in managing
According to my understanding the surveyors role as land
professionals has now been well argued and defined as well as widely
recognized. FIG has gone a long way to reach this position for
surveyors. One starting point for this road was the statement of Dr.
Arcot Ramachandran, Executive Director of Habitat, at the Helsinki
Congress, when he began his key note address by saying “Land is the
starting point for all development and, at beginning of this process
stand the surveyors”. It is good to remember that the basic tasks of our
profession evolve from the relationship man has with land and sea and
these tasks develop along the societal progress and are thus on the move
all the time. So this work is an ongoing process and needs also the
attention of the incoming administration. No technological black box can
substitute surveyors. The human actor in land management is always
I congratulate and thank the outgoing administration for the work
well done and wish all the success for the incoming administration and
it’s President CheeHai Teo.
Juha Talvitie
Born 1935, in Lapua, Finland
- 1960, Dipl. Engineer (MA in Engineering), Department of
Surveying, Helsinki University of Technology,
- 1969, Licentiate of Science (Tech), Department of Surveying,
Helsinki University of Technology,
- 2003, My dissertation “Tieto- ja viestintäteknologiasta uusi
näkökulma kaavoitukseen” , (name in English “Information and
communication technology: A New Aspect in Urban and
- Regional Planning”) will be presented for public examination and
debate on the 28th of March, 2003 at the Helsinki University of
Employment record
- 1960-1961 Planning Engineer in a State Rural Development
Authority in Lapland
- 1961-1964 Managing Director of the Regional Planning Association
of Lapland
- 1964-1967 Managing Director of the Regional Planning Association
of South Bothnia
- 1967-1993 Managing Director of the Association of Finnish
Regional Councils
- 1993-1998 Director, Structural Policy and EU-Affairs,
Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities
- 1998 Retirement
- 1998- TALVITIE CONSULTING as a free lance activity and hobby
- 1960- The Finnish Association of Geodetic and Land Surveyors,
Chairman 1979-82
- 1960- The Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK
- 1993- World Future Society
- 1976- 78, Vice Chairman of the Commission 8
- 1978- 81, Chairman of the Commission 8
- 1985- 87, Vice President of the Federation
- 1988- 91, President of the Federation
Dr. Juha Talvitie
Tykistökapteenintie 2 A 3
FIN-00340 Helsinki
Tel. + 358 9 481 829
Fax + 358 50 888 64 829
